Family-friendly Pride event announced for Knowsley’s Court Hey Park

Family-friendly Pride event announced for Knowsley’s Court Hey Park

Knowsley’s first-ever Pride event will be held in Huyton this summer, in a day of celebration and awareness for residents, families, local organisations and the LGBTQ+ community. Knowsley Pride ‘Rainbow in the Park’ will take place in Court Hey Park, Huyton on Friday...

New Vacancy: Community Development Officer (Mental Health)

New Vacancy: Community Development Officer (Mental Health)

We're looking for a dedicated Community Development Officer to join our team! Purpose of the Role The Community Development Officer (CDO Mental Health) will work directly with our Mental Health Care Navigator (MHCN). The role of the CDO is to reduce health...

Knowsley Golden Thread Heritage Project

Knowsley Golden Thread Heritage Project

We are delighted that The National Lottery Heritage Fund has awarded One Knowsley a grant of £237,474 for the 'Knowsley Golden Thread Heritage Project.' The two-year project will build on our Knowsley Heritage microgrants programme with Voluntary, Community, Faith,...

Introducing The Phoenix Way in Cheshire and Merseyside. 

Introducing The Phoenix Way in Cheshire and Merseyside. 

We are pleased to announce One Knowsley is working in partnership with North West Phoenix Way Lead, Lancashire Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) Network, and Greater Manchester Centre for Voluntary Organisation (GMCVO) and is supported in Cheshire and Merseyside by the...

New Vacancy: Mental Health Alliance Link Worker

New Vacancy: Mental Health Alliance Link Worker

We are seeking a passionate Mental Health Alliance Link Worker to join our team. Purpose of the Role The Mental Health Alliance Link Worker (MHALW) will work directly with our Mental Health Care Navigator. The role of the MHALW is to support and strengthen personal...

Successful funding bid for Youth Services

Successful funding bid for Youth Services

Knowsley Council has secured a share of £300m in government funding to improve youth services in the borough. The Youth Investment Fund (YIF) was set up by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport,  to create, expand and improve local youth facilities...

VS6 partnership launches Liverpool City Region Volunteering Hub

The VS6 Partnership are pleased to announce the launch of the Liverpool City Region Volunteering Hub website, the central place for all volunteering needs across the city region. The hub revolutionises volunteering by supporting the co-ordination and management of...

Join our network of Associate Members

We are currently developing our bank of Associates to work with us on specific assignments across the borough. We are looking for individuals with specific skills and experience supporting and developing the voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise sector in...

Alfie’s Squad Open to New Recruits as Pilot Scheme Kicks Off

Alfie’s Squad Open to New Recruits as Pilot Scheme Kicks Off

Children aged seven to 17 who are bereaved by suicide are being invited to join the next intake of ‘Alfie’s Squad’, a safe space to make friends, explore new activities and find solace in the company of peers who share similar experiences. The first welcome meeting of...

The Community Organisations Cost of Living Fund

The Community Organisations Cost of Living Fund

This funding is for organisations that support people and communities in England under severe pressure because of the increased cost of living. By community we mean people living in the same local area. The funding comes from the UK Government. Our main priority is to...

Vacancy: Living Well Services Manager with Age UK Mid Mersey

Vacancy: Living Well Services Manager with Age UK Mid Mersey

Age UK Mid Mersey is a local independent charity. We cover Knowsley, Halton, St Helens and Warrington - it's a great place to work if you want to make a difference to the lives of people 50+ in these areas. Job Title: Living Well Services Manager Reports to:...

Vacancy: Business Administrator (part-time) with SHARe Knowsley

Vacancy: Business Administrator (part-time) with SHARe Knowsley

SHARe Knowsley are looking for a part-time Business Administrator who will bring administrative excellence to the running of our organisation and will adopt and help develop our administration systems in preparation for further growth. Location: Old School House...

Vacancy: Trauma Informed Therapist with We Are Survivors

Vacancy: Trauma Informed Therapist with We Are Survivors

We Are Survivors are currently looking for an individual that has the passion, drive and determination to help us deliver our OUT Spoken Talking Therapy Services in our Greater Manchester and Merseyside estates (on a part-time basis) – As we continue to provide...