Our Partners

Knowsley Better Together
Knowsley Council has established “Knowsley Better Together‘‘, a shared agreement for how Knowsley Council and the Social Sector in Knowsley work together to secure the best possible outcomes for the residents of Knowsley.
The proposals, by One Knowsley, suggest how the sector can work together within co-operative principles to drive forward a shared commitment to Knowsley. Working together, the Council aims to secure the positive outcomes that can be achieved through effective partnerships between the public and voluntary sector.
8 Key Principles of the Agreement
Be open, transparent and promote equality and fairness within our relationship and throughout our practice with shared accountability to each other and to our communities in Knowsley
Innovate to co-design and co-produce new solutions to the needs and opportunities within our Knowsley communities
Acknowledge and respect the range of external statutory regulation, acknowledging and respecting the limitations that external regulation can create
Acknowledge and constructively address real or perceived barriers to our relationship
Recognise the financial constraints we are all working within
Strive to build the value of the Knowsley pound, social capital and social value as equal, meaningful and important local economic drivers
Recognise and value our shared leadership roles and contributions to support our community
Take shared responsibility to seek to support the Social Sector in ways other than funding, recognising this responsibility and offer will differ between partners
Knowsley 2030
Knowsley 2030 is the new long-term partnership strategy for the borough. It will set out what type of place we want Knowsley to be in ten years’ time, alongside an action plan detailing how this will be achieved.
More information about how to get involved and help shape the future of the borough will be posted here, or you can keep updated on Twitter – @knowsley2030– and regular updates will be published on www.knowsleynews.co.uk(search 2030).

Knowsley Foundation
The Foundation is a charitable and independent organisation which brings together private, public and voluntary sector partners to encourage and support social and economic development in the communities of Knowsley via charitable activities. We believe that we can have a greater social impact by working together in partnership.
The Foundation was created in March 2011 and launched in November 2011 by four founding partners: The Community Foundation for Merseyside, Knowsley Chamber of Commerce, Knowsley Council and One Knowsley.
The Foundation acts as receiver and distributor of donations and new forms of social finance. For example, it benefits the wider Knowsley community by providing charitable grants to community groups and charities and by providing funding to support the development of new social enterprises and initiatives. It also facilitates local volunteering, especially for local businesses.
Contact a member of the One Knowsley Team at info@OneKnowsley.org or call 0151 489 1222

Knowsley CCG
NHS Knowsley Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) is the organisation responsible for the planning, purchasing and monitoring the majority of health services for the people of Knowsley.
The CCG was established in 2013 to deliver a new way of commissioning health services in Knowsley. Together with Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council (KMBC) we assess the health needs of the local population, and then we plan, buy and monitor the delivery of the required healthcare services. This is known as commissioning.
Our CCG serves a registered population of approximately 166,000 patients. Our geographical area shares the same boundaries as KMBC and stretches from Kirkby in the North to Halewood in the South, including Huyton, Prescot, Whiston, Cronton and Knowsley Village. The CCG is made up of 25 member General Practices which collectively cover these seven areas.
The CCG is responsible for commissioning most hospital, mental health, maternity and community services. We achieve this by working with healthcare professionals to plan and buy the best quality healthcare services, as close to people’s homes as possible.
We may do this on our own or in partnership with other organisations, including KMBC and neighbouring CCGs. We also design new services that provide improved outcomes and experiences whist achieving better value for money.
Visit the CCG’s website www.knowsleyccg.nhs.uk or follow the CCG on Twitter, @Knowsley_CCG for the latest NHS healthcare news from across Knowsley.