Our Strategy
Our vision:
A resilient, sustainable and vibrant Social Sector which is collaborative and self-supporting
Strategic intentions
One Knowsley has five strategic intentions that drive its work.
1. An independent sector of influence
- Inform and influence public sector policy and strategy.
- Influence and support private sector approaches to Corporate Social Responsibility to build Social Value.
- Build the conditions that create opportunities to stimulate growth of the Social Economy.
- Horizon scan, link regional and national networks into Knowsley.
- Be a strong, independent, credible and visible leader.
- Champion the value and independence of the Sector.

2. A sector with quality delivery and evidenced impact
- Be a champion of good practice that supports the Social Sector to be legal, compliant, ethical and safe in its activities.
- Champion principles that protect citizens, protect organisations, and create assurance for investors into the Social Sector.
- Lead Social Value education and approaches to impact measurement. Support the Social Sector to talk about and evidence the social value it creates.

3. An agile sector able to re-model, respond, accelerate and grow
- Champion the key strength of agility to re-model and respond to presenting need in communities.
- Enable opportunities for innovation to respond to opportunities created through market failure (austerity).
- Be a single point of contact to identify, mobilise and secure opportunities for growth.
- Drive the Art of the Possible.

4. A sector where voluntary community action & social business thrives
- Champion the social and economic impact of volunteering.
- Enable growth in GVA (Gross Value Added) of volunteering within the local economy.
- Scale and grow the value, assets and activity within the Social Economy.
- Enable voluntary community action and social business to start, grow, be resilient and thrive.

5. A resourced, resilient and sustainable sector
- In a climate of austerity lead a broader view of resource investment beyond monetary transactions to secure investment into the Social Sector in Knowsley.
- Identify, influence and secure a breadth of resource investment into the Social Sector.
- Maximise skills, expertise, time, assets, and new monetary investment opportunities to enable a well-resourced Social Sector.