Our impact
We generate significant social value in our work. We profile our impact at a ratio of 1:40 in 2019, for every £1 invested in our work we create a social return on this investment of £40.90.
Through working with a representative cohort of the social sector in Knowsley, a new approach to the compact was developed.
In 2017 with a representative cohort of the social sector in Knowsley, One Knowsley led the redevelopment of the local compact.
The final version “the deal” is a co-produced approach to building the relationship between the social and public sector in the locality. This was formally adopted in June 2017. The deal is a way of encouraging co-production, focusing effort where it is needed most and working together to avoid unnecessary duplication.
We have generated £2,438,626.92 into the local economy.
Knowsley Better Together:
Knowsley Council’s Deal with the social sector formalises and demonstrates how the Council and social sector in Knowsley will work together to secure the best possible outcomes for Knowsley residents.
Quarterly central meetings between the Sector in Knowsley and key strategic decision makers and commissioners in KMBC now take place. Each session is hosted by the Leader of KMBC in partnership with One Knowsley. Sessions are a space for the co-production and agreement of asset based approaches to joint problem solving. Each session generates a “structural” action plan, with progress updates embedded within each following session.
The action plans task One Knowsley and KMBC with their shared approach to structurally supporting the Social Sector in Knowsley.

£1 Million
influenced the investment of 1 million into the Social Sector in Knowsley
match funding secured into the local economy
Knowsley residents as beneficiaries
additional volunteering opportunities secured
*Figures relate to Round One £250K grant expenditure
Developing social value
One Knowsley has been instrumental in enabling KMBC to develop its social value programme. Leading, developing and supporting innovative changes to public sector procurement and commissioning functions and processes within KMBC that enable greater inclusion of social value and are more accessible to Social Sector organisations.
Transforming its Contract Procedure Rules to stimulate the local economy. This is being achieved through ring-fencing low and intermediate value procurements below the EU thresholds (for goods, works and services) to local suppliers. Many of these local suppliers are social sector organisations, as well as private SMEs.
of Public Sector contracts awarded to a local supply chain, 27% of the value of all contracts awarded £72m
of contracts awarded by KMBC in 2018 contained Social Value
Public Benefit secured by One Knowsley in 2019/20
organisations that received expert advice and guidance
events to enable Sector collaboration
Strategic Partnerships secured
cross sector partnerships developed
new charities registered
organisations supported – funding
organisations supported – improved confidence in Leadership skills
organisations partnerships and connections brokered
organisations supported in a manged close down