Tragically, cancer is the leading cause of death in Knowsley. We want to change that.
The Cheshire & Merseyside Cancer Alliance is joining forces with voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise organisations to increase people’s understanding of cancer – with One Knowsley leading the campaign in the borough.
We’re asking communities to:
– help raise awareness of the early signs and symptoms of cancer
– spread the word about local screening programmes.
Early diagnosis saves lives.
Voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise organisations from Knowsley can apply to the Cheshire & Merseyside “Improving Community Cancer Awareness” – Community of Practice Small Grants Programme co-produced by One Knowsley.
Grants are expected to range from £500 – £10,000 each, however, those wishing to apply for more can contact to discuss.
Applications to “Improving Community Cancer Awareness” – Community of Practice Small Grants Programme (One Knowsley) close on 23rd September 2022.
Prior to application, all applicants should:
– Read the Guidance Notes
– Contact to discuss your proposal
Download the Guidance Notes and Application Form.
Projects which support some, or all, of the following objectives will be considered:
- Reduction in the number of people entering hospital diagnoses via accident & emergency
- Increase in people accessing support including information, advice and sign posting
- Increase in access to early intervention services with people being diagnosed earlier
- More people supported to achieve emotional wellbeing
- Reduce stigma and discrimination relating to cancer diagnosis
- Support co-working and collaboration between primary care services and health and social care to meet the totality of individual and family needs
- Increase levels and models of mutual/peer support
- Improve outcomes for families and carers through signposting/referral
- Reduce late stage 3 and 4 cancer diagnoses
- Signposting and supported navigation into services
- Expansion of social networks to increase wellbeing
Community Cafés
One Knowsley is running a series of Community Cafés with the Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprise sector. These Community Cafés are an opportunity for the sector to discuss and shape the programme so it can best serve their communities.
Community Café: Cheshire & Merseyside Cancer Alliance and One Knowsley Small Grants Programme
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Cheshire & Merseyside Cancer Alliance (CMCA) is responsible for cancer performance, quality and outcomes across Cheshire and Merseyside, bringing together organisations, patients and others affected by cancer to:
- Plan for and lead delivery of the NHS Long Term Plan ambitions for cancer, ensuring variation in outcomes is addressed and that improvements are made across whole pathways from prevention and diagnosis through to treatment and support for people living with cancer
- Drive improvements in patients’ experience of the care and treatment they receive
- Provide oversight and coordination to support delivery of the waiting times standards for cancer
Cheshire & Merseyside Cancer Alliance works closely with cancer services and people affected by cancer to achieve:
- Better Cancer Services by providing access to expertise and learning; leading change in care pathways, and in piloting new scientific innovations
- Better Cancer Care by sharing and building on good patient experience practice
- Better Cancer Outcomes by increasing early detection, early diagnosis; enabling early access to cancer services and pathways, and ensuring cancer patients have access to the support they need to live long fulfilling lives beyond cancer
It’s Cheshire & Merseyside Cancer Alliance ambition to:
- Increase the number of people each year who will survive for five years or more following their cancer diagnosis
- Work towards three in four cancers (75%) being diagnosed at an early stage where they are more likely to be treatable and continue to live a good quality of life following cancer
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1 Griffiths Road
L36 6NA
Phone: 0151 489 1222